‘Break the Fast’ in Style: The Yummiest Breakfast Recipes – Sandwiches, Muffins, Pancakes, French Toasts, Quiche… and more

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We have all heard of the old classics, such as “Carrots give us night vision” and “Santa doesn’t gift toys to misbehaving children”. Along with them, there is also the popular saying that goes like this… “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day”. Many thus grow up believing that skipping breakfast is a bad idea.

However, with our busy lifestyle, breakfast is not always a priority. Many people do not feel hungry until lunchtime. Some people who have breakfast simply take a slice of toast with a cup of coffee, while others just eat an apple or a banana, and then some have food while driving to work.

Skipping breakfast can be disastrous for your health. According to a report published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, those who skip breakfast have an 87% higher chance of cardiovascular illness. So, you should not just eat the first meal of the day, you need to ensure that it is hearty, filling, and healthy.

In this book, I will introduce you to some delightful breakfast recipes that you can cook in your home kitchen. I will also tell you about the ingredients for them and how you can make them quickly and easily.

Categories:   Recipe Books


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