Get on Amazon The Complete Sous Vide cookbook: 1000 Effortlessly Delicious Recipes to Deliver Restaurant-quality Meals

Deliver Restaurant-quality Meals with 1000 Effortlessly Delicious Recipes

Do you want quick & easy solutions in the kitchen mastering Sous Vide cooking?

Are you willing to have more free time while cooking delicious meals?

To help you with achieving this, we focused on creating the one and only Sous Vide cookbook, for excellent results, with easy and effortless to cook recipes for anyone.

The beauty of sous vide is its ease and consistency—it can cook a steak medium-rare, or a piece of fish to tender, just-doneness every single time . . . and hold it there until you’re ready to eat, whether dinner is in ten minutes or eight hours away.

Sous vide cooking creates mouthwatering meals. By cooking food at a precise, low temperature, this wonder gadget churns out perfectly cooked meat, fish, vegetables, and more. All it takes is an immersion circulator, a pot of water, and the Complete Sous Vide Cookbook to make the magic happen.

Why this book is different from other Sous Vide cookbooks:

  • 1000 Effortlessly Delicious Recipes— The Simplest, Yet Yummiest Sous Vide Recipes You Can Prepare From the Comfort of Your Home
  • Basic of Sous vide―Learn the hows and whys of sous vide cooking with an introductory section.
  • A complete overview — Explain the fundamentals of the Sous Vide cooking techniques and the science behind it.
  • Practical techniques— Includes simple clear instructions for serving and nutritional information.

This complete Sous Vide Cookbook will take care of your cooking doubts once and for all. It will guide you in the best possible way to use your Sous Vide precision cooker in a way you never thought possible. 

Categories:   Cookbooks


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