Get on Amazon The Quarantine Survival Cookbook

Are you struggling to be inspired about what to cook, and not sure what you should buy that will be shelf stable? Did you know there are many shelf stable ingredients that will last for ages that you can cook the most delicious and nutritious meals from? Do you need help to organize your cooking planning?

You know that a healthy diet leads to a stronger immune system that is so important right now to fight illness. We have created recipes that are nutritious and so tasty to take away the stress from cooking at home and its all using ingredients that are shelf stable and readily available. We will also give you grocery list for each week and our menu planners to save you having to do that yourself!

This book is your guide to surviving and disaster be it a pandemic, hurricane, war etc. When food is potentially in shortage shelf stable ingredients are vital to your survival during the long months ahead and this book will give you the insight and stability needed to carry on cooking.

This Quarantine Survival Cookbook will explore:

  • Over 60 nutritious recipes using shelf stable ingredients including
    • Breakfast
    • Lunch
    • Supper
    • Snack & Desert Recipes
  • A guide on how to store food
  • A menu planner for 3 whole weeks
  • Ingredients that are shelf stable and can be stored for many months
  • Grocery lists
  • And Much, Much More!

Categories:   Cookbooks


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